do a morning routine together.

30 minutes daily to start the day with your favorite wellness creators and like-minded besties.

a wellness community that makes building healthy habits fun & easy.

join our live creator-led morning routine sessions to journal, meditate, work out, and make healthy food together.

watch do it together!

join our interactive, non-judgemental, and introvert-friendly events to meet new friends and get inspired (e.g., baking dates, gilmore girl parties).

wellness “dates” & parties

learn through our multi-dimensional sessions to glow up mentally, physically, socially, spiritually, intellectually, and financially.

glow up holistically

guided by 40+ wellness creators


  • we currently offer sessions at 8 am ET (Mon, Wed, Thur) and 11 am ET (Tue, Fri). we also have sessions over the weekends sometimes. you can find a more detailed schedule in the app.

  • we still highly encourage you to join the sessions - think of these 30 minutes as a daily self-care & self-growth ritual! we have members from europe, asia, and africa joining the sessions in their afternoons or even at night.

  • our community is FREE.

  • dm us at on IG. :)